Relationship Counselling and Online

Relationships have their difficult and troubled times. This is not a time for arguing. It is a time for finding out what is happening and why and learning about what to do.
Couples can be seen together or individually and then together. So many things can go ‘wrong’ in life and between people. Rather than fighting against, relationships are something worth fighting for. If love has gone, then let’s figure out how to manage that. If love is lost, then maybe we can find it again.
Face to face appointments can be made at The Davis Health Centre, Gordon in the northern suburbs of Sydney or ay Pyrmont near the City of Sydney. Appointments can be made by email –
or by calling the clinic on (02) 9498 1997.
Online sessions over the web are available if it is too difficult for you to attend in person. A unique Zoom meeting room can be created for your session. Appointments can be made by email –