What is therapy
like with
Richard Hill?
Creating Beneficial Change.
There are many different types and techniques of therapy and each has its merits. Research shows us that the most important thing in any sort of health care is a good relationship between client and therapist. Richard utilizes whatever is needed at the time in response to you. Sometimes you just need to work on you, sometimes it is a relationship, or even a whole family. You are all welcome!
We can often see something happening in the first 1-6 sessions, although therapy is a constantly evolving and progressive experience. The important bottom line is that it takes us somewhere better.
Personal and private counselling are the foundation of the MindScience Institute – helping people by putting knowledge into practice.
I follow a solution oriented, positive psychology approach. Many people are familiar with those terms now. More specifically I apply a curiosity oriented approach that is constantly seeking to create new possibilities and seek out beneficial change. Therapy begins and ends with your needs...
Relationships have their difficult and troubled times. This is not a time for arguing. It is a time for finding out what is happening and why and learning about what to do.
Couples can be seen together or individually and then together. So many things can go ‘wrong’ in life and between people. Rather than fighting against, relationships are something worth fighting for. If love has gone, then...
Contact Richard for an appointment IN PERSON at his locations in Gordon or Pyrmont (Sydney)
or online to anywhere in the world.
Face to face appointments can be made at The Davis Health Centre, Gordon in the northern suburbs of Sydney or ay Pyrmont near the City of Sydney. Appointments can be made by email – richard@richardhill.com.au
or by calling the clinic on (02) 9498 1997.
Online sessions over the web are available if it is too difficult for you to attend in person. A unique Zoom meeting room can be created for your session. Appointments can be made by email – richard@richardhill.com.au
Would you like a little more detail?

Fundamental principles:
I have studied and continue to study as much as I can about as many therapies as I can so that I can utilise exactly what you need when you need it.
You are the centre of the therapeutic experience. I try to respond carefully and sensitively to what works for you. Sometimes you might know yourself, other times I might put something forward. Whatever it is, we work it out together.
Change takes as long as it takes and we will take as long as it takes, but I will be looking carefully from the very first session for signs of beneficial change. I believe in the principle of Brief Therapy.
Brief Therapy – achieving the resolutions that you need takes as long as it takes, but that doesn’t mean it must or will take a long time. Far from it. Research shows that changes begin during the very first session and that one session can sometimes achieve all that is necessary to get the client to a better place. It is very reasonable to look for major beneficial change within the first 1-6 sessions. There needs to be a review at this time to see whether there need to be more sessions, a change of direction or movement onto other issues – or completion of therapy, happy and satisfied.
In short, I see myself as a resource that you use to create positive and beneficial change in your life in as timely a manner as possible. I believe that is what most people are seeking from the therapeutic experience
Solution Oriented – I am not looking to find or prove that something is wrong with you. Whatever your symptoms may be, they are the way your inner self is trying to get a message out. Together we will work towards listening to the message and making the best steps forward.
Curiosity Approach – this is an approach I have developed and is being practiced by therapists around the world. Research and experience tells us that we can use curiosity to create a frame of mind that is much more receptive and resilient to investigating what might well be dark and difficult things within. A curiosity approach makes the struggle and even the pain of inner work surprisingly bearable and possible. It is the curiosity for possibility that creates unique conditions in therapy.
Utilization – this is a term championed by the great psychotherapist, Milton Erickson. Essentially, it means that I utilize whatever is able to help facilitate the change and transformation you want and need. Utilizations means that the therapist pays close attention to the client’s actions and responses and follows both the symptom path to healing and the implicit messages that the client does not even realize are being revealed.
The most important thing that you need and want from me is to assist you in finding the possibilities of recovery and beneficial change. I am a resource and even a knowledgebase, but most importantly, I am your compatriot in the task ahead. Together we can do things that perhaps neither could do on their own.