Watch the full video now
Revealing the "elephant in the room" that no-one seems to talk about
"Live" presentation made when touring with "Patch" Adams
Learn about:
the 8 Differences
the 7 Demons
how the 'real world' can drive us crazy
and how to turn that all around in simple ways
Base on the book "How the 'real world" Is Driving Us Crazy!" (available on the For Sale page)

The Neuroscience of You
The facts are great, but what does it mean for me?
How do I apply this knowledge to my day-to-day life?
What can I create with my Amazing Brain?
26 videos - all free to view
For therapists and all those generally interested in neuroscience. Although technical in foundation the focus is on how the knowledge can be applied in both professional practice and daily life.

Free eBook Downloads
Based on the Beat Procrastination video program available For Sale.
3 unique eBooks that introduce important information to help you understand and resolve procrastination
How to Get Things Done and not just micro-manage
Spotting the warning signs and breaking the cycle
Understanding the role of fear, lack of confidence and low self esteem